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When should a child start wearing a GPS tracking watch?

When should a child start wearing a GPS tracking watch?

GPS tracking watches are great for ensuring that your child is safe at all times. Today’s lifestyle has parents spending  more time at work, than being at home for the children when they come from school. Most times, the parents have to let the kids go and come from school using the school bus, or walking. With all the hidden dangers of children getting lost or being abducted, parents have resorted to using GPS tracking devices to monitor the movement of their kids. The question is what age should these children wear the GPS tracking watches

Looking at the way children grow up in today’s society, there is an age when they are grown up enough to take care of themselves. It would be odd for a parent to tell a 17-year-old teenage boy to wear a GPS tracking watch. At this age, the boy knows how to take care of himself and avoid getting hurt. On the other hand, when a child is just a few years old, and has to start walking to school, then it is prudent for a parent to ensure that the child has a GPS tracking device for proper monitoring. This is a child who can easily be taken advantage of, and end up getting hurt.

Most people argue that GPS tracking watches should be worn by children between theages of four and ten. This is a time when the child is most vulnerable, and can easily be abducted, or get hurt doing things that did not seem risky. A 7-year-old may decide to explore some fields or caves with his or her peers and soon get lost. The GPS tracking watch will help you  find him or her quickly.

GPS tracking watches come with a lot of features that can be used by a child who is as young as 4. The watches come with an emergency button, which when pressed once will call some predetermined numbers and indicate that the child needs help. The watch can then be tracked on a map, and the location of the child determined. Within a short period, the child will be rescued. The simplicity of operation is great and allows even young children to learn how to use them quickly.

The WatchOvers app also allows the child to call certain numbers. This is great since it gives the parent comfort knowing that they can call the child and talk to the child when in danger or not. Talking to a lost child can help calm him or her down, till someone can go to the location on the map.

There are several reasons why a child needs to have a GPS tracking watch but the debate about the age still goes on. However, most parents and concerned parties say that the ages of 4 to 10 are the most vulnerable, and hence children within this age bracket are the ones who should wear the GPS tracking watches.


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