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GPS Tracking for children – rational idea or paranoia

GPS Tracking for children – rational idea or paranoia

There has been a lot of interesting debate over the use of GPS tracking for children. GPS tracking watches are watches that have GPS tracking ability, basically used to monitor the movement of the child and also provide rescue information should the child be in any danger. There are people who get upset by the main rationale that is behind the use of these devices. Children are in danger whenever they step out of the door without your supervision. Proponents of freedom say that this is definitely paranoia and not reasonable thinking.

The rationale seems to say that people are living in a very depraved world today. It also assumes that should anything happen to the child, then it is automatically the fault of the parent, who will feel that he or she should have been there to protect the child. It supports the paranoid illusion that every parents should treat every day as potentially the last time that he or she will see the child. The worst should be expected at all times. There was a time when being a child was carefree.

Those who think that it is proper to send the children out with GPS watches say that they are preparing their children for the realities of life. The children should be aware of the dangers that they face – dangers such as traffic, changed plans, bad weather and more. Children should know how to stand up for themselves when faced with a threatening situation. They should also know how to ask for help, and who they should seek help from. It is the responsibility of the parent to let the child know that there are people out there who can harm them for a wide range of reasons.

That said, one can only deduce that it is alright to prepare the child, but not to venture into paranoia. Danger from strangers has been exaggerated by media reports and that the child is most likely at risk from people that they know.

GPS tracking watches do not prey on the fears of parents. They are reasonable tools that can be used to keep the child safe. It is not like the parent will be constantly checking to see where the child is, but getting an alarm when the child is in danger, or has crossed a geo-fence will help you monitor and keep the child safe at all times. The watches are not fear mongers as some people tend to think. It gives the parent some peace of mind when the child has to walk home from school.

The debate about the necessity of having your child wear a GPS tracking watch will continue unabated for a long time to come. However, the reduction of the rate of child abductions, or cases where children simply get lost, will prove that these devices are necessary. Just as you would buy a watch or Smartphone for your child, here is no difference in buying a watch simply because it has GPS tracking abilities. People should take this as the norm, keep their children safe, and simply move on with life as usual.


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